Read Choi

When your Son’s principal can cook

Read Choi 7,077 5 days ago
Some guy in Hiroshima on Aug 6th 1945

Read Choi 4,229 6 days ago
Blake lively interviews be like…

Read Choi 220,825 7 days ago
When you want to break up but she can cook

Read Choi 89,147 2 weeks ago
Japan on Dec 8th 1941

Read Choi 7,181 2 weeks ago
What it’s like to resist the devil

Read Choi 106,929 9 months ago
When you want to break up but she can cook

Read Choi 89,147 2 weeks ago
Me when they Ban the Bible

Read Choi 369,192 3 months ago
Blake lively interviews be like…

Read Choi 220,825 7 days ago
Praying to God be like

Read Choi 49,386 4 months ago
New Christians vs Seasoned Christians

Read Choi 120,041 1 month ago
How Girls and Boys are the same

Read Choi 11,179 1 month ago
Germany trying to hide their war crimes

Read Choi 14,426 4 months ago
Judas at the Last Supper…

Read Choi 12,852 2 months ago
How Christians Gaslight themselves

Read Choi 32,308 4 months ago
God be like

Read Choi 18,908 3 months ago
Why Korea dislikes Japan

Read Choi 33,673 4 months ago
Peter when Jesus got arrested

Read Choi 33,299 9 months ago
Angels being the scariest thing ever

Read Choi 20,052 2 months ago
The world trying to provoke Christians

Read Choi 25,906 1 month ago
How the Presidential Debate went

Read Choi 35,668 1 month ago
Apostle Paul being a Savage

Read Choi 17,194 2 months ago
How I deal with Lust

Read Choi 17,355 1 month ago