Terms of Service

The service that Atgvideo.com offers to the user (to watch video or listen audio available on the Internet), is conditioned on the user accepting, without any type of modification, the terms, conditions and other information contained on this page. By visiting and using Atgvideo.com, full compliance with and acceptance of the terms set out in the following list is acknowledged.

Atgvideo.com third provides the user with results based on-party search engines. The links and/or results shown on this page are not under the control of Atgvideo.com.

Atgvideo.com and its administrators, are not responsible for the content of the results or links offered from this site, since referring to the previous point, they are also based on the search parameters indicated by the user.

Atgvideo.com provides results or links that are used at the convenience of and by the user, therefore, the user is solely responsible for the use of said material.

Atgvideo.com does not have any kind of relationship and/or association with the search engines on which the results or links are based, nor with the companies or companies responsible for the linked material.

Atgvideo.com offers an automatic service that can not be controlled by administrators. The results or links shown on this site are based on third-party search engines (referring to one of the previous points) or through our 'robot' that is responsible for scanning thousands of web pages to index files that they are available in a totally FREE way on the Internet, keeping only the location of the same, but not the file as such. Since we can not manually select each file, the administrators of Atgvideo.com do not assume any responsibility for such material and any kind of legalities that this may lead to.

Atgvideo.com does not offer any guarantee, express or implicit, of the services we offer, such as interruptions, delays, errors, inaccuracies or typographical errors.

Atgvideo.com does not offer any guarantee about the results or links, since this is offered through third-party servers, these may be infected with viruses or any type of malware, however, we work 100% to prevent this from happening.

In the event that any result or link violates the laws or copyright, you as a representative must contact the server that hosts such content. However, Atgvideo.com will do everything possible to eliminate any type of link with said material, whenever possible.

By visiting and/or downloading from Atgvideo.com, the user accepts that Atgvideo.com and its administrators, are absolved of all responsibility, losses and costs, of the claims against Atgvideo.com.

Finally, the user when visiting or making use of any service offered by Atgvideo.com, both in its mobile and desktop versions, accepts that: When visiting and/or downloading from Atgvideo.com, the user understands that the distribution or download of files is illegal unless he/she does so with the intention of previewing his/her content and then intends to delete the file after his/her preview

When visiting and/or downloading from Atgvideo.com, the user agrees not to share files through P2P networks or any network to share files.

When visiting and/or downloading from Atgvideo.com, the user undertakes to delete any file that is obtained through this site, after its preview.

Atgvideo.com respects and supports the rights of owners and anyone related to the creation of any work. So we will be happy to collaborate to eliminate any type of content that does not comply with the content rights.

Atgvideo.com reserves the right to modify the content of this page without prior notice.

If you do not understand or do not agree with what is expressed on this page, you should not use this page.