Poor Children

A Life in Extreme Poverty

When I Grow Up Global 1,114,316 10 years ago
Orphaned and abandoned children on the streets of India

WildFilmsIndia 521,814 10 years ago
Britains Poorest Kids

Real Stories 15,044,718 8 years ago
Americas Poorest Kids

Real Stories 110,040 2 weeks ago
Sevenly + Food for the Poor

wearesevenly 746,829 10 years ago
Do Not Waste Food - Very Inspiring

Complex Realities 1,731,452 8 years ago
Yemen On the brink of starvation - BBC News

BBC News 3,785,293 7 years ago
Breadline Kids in America

Real Stories 9,603,705 7 years ago
Warm Food for Hungry Indian Children

ChildrensHopeVideo 109,547 13 years ago
The Heartbreaking Reality Of Life For Poor Kids in Britain

Absolute Documentaries 18,967 1 year ago