
Monsanto The Company that Owns the World’s Food Supply

Business Casual 2,322,300 7 years ago
Monsanto The True Cost of Our Food

Our Changing Climate 124,940 3 years ago
ARTE Dokumentation Monsanto - mit Gift und Genen

GoogleOnlineDominator 80,501 11 years ago
A geyser that shoots sparkling mineral water

Tom Scott 1,728,389 1 year ago
Bill Maher Talks Monsanto Genetically Modified Food GMOs - HD

Sunfood Superfoods 320,625 12 years ago
Glyphosat Die Spur der Pestizid-Fälscher frontal

ZDFheute Nachrichten 15,514 3 years ago
Was ist jetzt mit Glyphosat?

MAITHINK X 647,833 4 years ago
Glyphosate Monsantos Latest Scandal

Journeyman Pictures 17,431 6 years ago
Monsanto - Der schlimmste Konzern der Welt?

MrWissen2go 540,505 11 years ago
Why Farmers Can’t Legally Replant Their Own Seeds

Half as Interesting 2,070,799 2 years ago
Cierre del caso Monsanto es un triunfo de México

Rompeviento TV 31,866 5 days ago
MONSANTO Portugals Most Stunning Village

POV Tours - Portugal in 4K 336,293 1 month ago
Monsanto und die Gentech-Mafia Doku deutsch

Nikki Johnston 1,555 6 years ago
How big agriculture is taking over our diets

DW Planet A 211,228 1 year ago
History Of Monsanto

The Institute for Responsible Technology 54,368 11 years ago
Bayer Wie man einen Traditionskonzern ruiniert

Was kostet die Welt? 395,615 3 weeks ago
RFK Jr. How I Got Monsanto To Pay Billions

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 8,188 5 months ago
Monsanto Making Areas Radioactive in Idaho

Radioactive Drew 328,135 2 years ago
Monsanto - Why Theyre Hated

Company Man 713,821 4 years ago