Mended Light

Secure Attachment - Attachment Series Part 1

Mended Light 4,059 12 days ago
Bridgerton Gets Therapized - Colin and Penelope

Mended Light 78,897 2 weeks ago
$h*t Therapists Say Toxic Masculinity

Mended Light 5,948 2 weeks ago
Taylor Tomlinson Meet the Parents

Mended Light 9,707 4 weeks ago
Ask Us Anything - Self Worth and Inner Peace

Mended Light 3,730 1 month ago
Younger Siblings - Bridgerton Gets Therapized

Mended Light 57,429 1 year ago
Secure Attachment - Attachment Series Part 1

Mended Light 4,059 12 days ago
Wednesdays Therapist - Wednesday Gets Therapized

Mended Light 297,860 1 year ago
What Are The Signs of Emotional Trauma?

Mended Light 7,503 3 months ago
Just be a Traditional Woman - $h*t Therapists Say

Mended Light 46,528 2 months ago
Therapist Reacts RAW to Personality vs Looks

Mended Light 107,671 1 year ago
Bridgerton Gets Therapized - Colin and Penelope

Mended Light 78,897 2 weeks ago
$h*t Therapists Say Toxic Masculinity

Mended Light 5,948 2 weeks ago