Kruger Park Sightings

Most Amazing Kruger National Park Wildlife Sightings of 2022

Wildest Kruger Sightings 333,284 1 year ago
The Best Animal Sightings of 2023

Latest Sightings 548,768 6 months ago
Warthog Walks Right Into Leopard

Latest Sightings 231,143 1 month ago
Lets Follow Seven Hungry Lionesses

Wildest Kruger Sightings 274,961 1 month ago
Why You Should Give a Lion Couple Their Privacy

Latest Sightings 113,686 1 month ago
Elephant and Lion Drama

Wildest Kruger Sightings 9,806 4 days ago
Kruger National Park - The Kruger Catwalk

Richard van Haght 33,037 3 weeks ago
Lion Kings Of The Kruger

Wildest Kruger Sightings 26,798 10 days ago
Biggest roadblock in Africa. Kruger National Park

Shaun Etsebeth Photo Safaris 880,402 1 year ago
Wildebeest Makes Miraculous Escape from 3 Monster Crocodiles

Latest Sightings 1,392,867 3 weeks ago
Innocent Baby Bird Walks up to Leopard - Crazy Ending

Latest Sightings 6,560,299 1 year ago
Lions Know When To Run

Latest Wildlife Sightings 19,373 7 days ago
The Elephant Attack Amarula

Videet Shah 4,549,148 3 years ago
Heart-Warming Reunion Between Lost Cubs and Mother

Latest Sightings 3,025,894 3 months ago

Latest Sightings 1,999,674 2 years ago
Buffalo Protects Fallen Brother Kruger National Park

Wildest Kruger Sightings 174,238 13 days ago
Kruger Park Tourists Out Of Car At Lion Sighting

Kruger Park Videos 188,511 7 years ago
Elephants Show Tourists Why You Shouldnt Get Out Your Car

Latest Sightings 594,024 2 years ago
Lion Walks into a Sleeping Wildebeest…

Latest Sightings 66,933 1 month ago
Buffalo Smashes Car to Try Chase Lions Away

Latest Sightings 9,484,853 3 years ago
This Is NOT Your Normal Leopard Sighting Kruger National Park

Wildest Kruger Sightings 1,981 1 month ago
Most Amazing Animal Encounters and Wildlife Sightings

Wildest Kruger Sightings 5,756,040 4 years ago

Latest Sightings 78,797 1 year ago
Leopard Walks Amongst People in Restaurant

Latest Sightings 917,667 3 years ago