Jason Blaha Physique

Apollonian vs Herculean Physiques - Old School Bodybuilding

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 1,016 6 days ago
The Blaha Physique effect why

bios3training 85,243 5 years ago
Physique Transformations Now Outnumber My Strength Focused Clients

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 1,156 2 weeks ago
Jason Blaha Is Bigger Than You Think

BadGenetics 214,109 7 years ago
The Two Most Useful Exercises For Obtaining The Classic Golden Era Physique

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 29,221 6 years ago
Does Training Legs Make The Upper Body Grow Faster?

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 1,185 1 month ago
By Popular Request - Filmed An Entire Full Body Training Session

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 113,269 8 years ago
Jason Blaha Teaches You How To Squat

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 242,024 10 years ago
Lets Talk About Full Body Training Every Other Day For The Natty Lifter

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 103,242 7 years ago
If Volume Is Sufficient 1 Or 2 Exercises Can Be A Full Body Workout

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 21,094 7 years ago
Why Old School Lifters Were So Much Stronger Than Gym Rats Today

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 78,063 6 years ago
Jason Blaha 5X5 3 Month Progression

Thomas Whitelaw 55,856 6 years ago

Pete Rubish 23,769 1 year ago
Jason Blaha Teaches You How To Bent-Over Barbell Row

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 206,518 10 years ago
Jason Blaha has an accident at powerlifting meet

Cuckolding Strength and Fitness 23,932 2 years ago
Re Kinobody - The Strength Standards for the Greek God Physique

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 26,427 5 years ago
Progressive Overload vs Gains - The Chicken or Egg Scenario

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 612 2 days ago
Full Body Training Never Builds Impressive Physiques They Said

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 156,072 10 years ago
Vitruvian Physique Says Jason Blaha Has Genetics So Bad That God Hates Him

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 28,445 5 years ago
Serious Lifters Should Be 10-14% Body Fat For Optimal Health

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 1,159 3 months ago
Improving Body Composition Year Round Without Bulks & Cuts

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 1,293 5 months ago
Jason Blaha Novice 5x5 Fullbody

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 968,713 10 years ago
Re VitruvianPhysique - How Much Muscle Do Women ACTUALLY Like?

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 12,792 5 years ago
5 Old School Exercises That Will Build Your Entire Body

Jason Blaha's Strength and Fitness 1,786 2 months ago