Grounded Dora Explorer

Dora Calls Mrs Christina Baa Baa Black LadyGrounded

RainBoy107 Archive 117,326 2 years ago
Classic Dora Gets Grounded For Nothing 1ST EPISODE

BraylenTheGoAnimator2K11 (HIATUS FOR A MONTH) 36,658 1 year ago
MAD - Dora the Sick Explorer

Vambre Warrior 44,748 3 years ago
Dora Locks Her Family Out Of The House

Brendan Barney 1,215,804 8 years ago
Dora Misbehaves During Picture Day Grounded

CheStErCarToonZInc 74,328 1 year ago
Dora Brings Boots To ClassSuspendedGrounded

African Vulture 9,223 8 months ago
Dora Injures Gina And Gets Grounded

Kegger Studio 139,699 2 years ago
Dora No More

TheStringiniBros 14,656,905 12 years ago
Dora Throws A Chocolate Cake At Mrs ChristinaGrounded

RainBoy107 Archive 77,990 2 years ago
Dora Kills Her PrincipalGrounded

samster5677 380,553 7 years ago