Goty 2022

Evolution of Game of the Year Winner 1980-2022

Section Plays 174,832 1 year ago

Fighter. PL 284,838 1 year ago
The Game Awards 2022 in a Nutshell

CircleToonsHD 1,080,375 1 year ago
Bill Clinton wins Game of the Year The Game Awards 2022

Centerstrain01 1,735,243 1 year ago
POV Elden Ring wins GOTY

Max Justh 96,268 1 year ago
Elden Ring 4

MixPlay 16 Streamed 1 day ago
My Game of the Year Votes

penguinz0 1,998,463 1 year ago
The Game Awards Situation

penguinz0 3,216,857 1 year ago
How SONY FANS reacted to Game Awards 2022

Mightykeef 455,029 1 year ago
The Game Awards 2022 - All Winners

BrosClanYt 310,179 1 year ago