Ezri Kira

Colonel Kira Become Commander Kira

April 5, 2063 578,074 5 years ago
DS9 Scenes - Kira and Kira in the Mirror

ManticoreEscapee 6,512 2 years ago
And Sometimes Your Taste In Men Frightens Me. Kira

April 5, 2063 106,112 4 years ago
Star Trek DS9 Interview Kira Nerys

Analytical Tortoise 12,203 1 year ago
Its insidious- just like the Federation.

Mike Johnson 235,568 4 years ago
Shes Quarks Ex Wife

Mike Johnson 234,565 4 years ago
Tpol tells Trip how old she is

Star Trek T'pol 1,350,293 2 years ago
We just stepped through the looking glass.

Mike Johnson 17,963 4 years ago
Those are Klingons?

Mike Johnson 380,767 4 years ago
Were Even now

Mike Johnson 9,302 4 years ago
DS9 Ezris first appearance Image in the Sand

trekclip123 104,986 12 years ago
Quark Meet Ezri from the Mirror Universe

April 5, 2063 23,540 2 years ago
Meeting Major Kira Star Trek Deep Space Nine - Emissary

Star Trek Clips 191,179 7 years ago
Ezri Dax

April 5, 2063 368,157 6 years ago
But dont forget this is still your fault

mujobrod 249,722 8 years ago
Have Fun

blossommorphine 204,693 13 years ago
We found our killer.

Mike Johnson 10,001 4 years ago
DS9 Business as Usual - Kirayoshi in Ops

trekclip123 230,815 12 years ago
At least I was able to please her now and then.

Mike Johnson 22,418 4 years ago