Brexit Plan B

Brexit Plan B? May refuses to tear up her deal

Theresa May told MPs this afternoon she wants to find a Brexit deal a majority of them can vote for. (Subscribe: She's p...

Channel 4 News 166,649 21.01.2019
What is Mays Plan B for Brexit? - Brexit Explained

This week May announced her new Brexit plan, her plan B. People have been eagerly awaiting May's new plan to see how she will respond to her votes failure la...

TLDR News 178,162 23.01.2019
Theresa May presenta un ‘plan B’ del Brexit sin mayores cambios

La esperada presentación del 'plan B' de la primera ministra británica, Theresa May, luego de que su propuesta de Brexit fuera derrotada por una aplastante m...

FRANCE 24 Español 250 22.01.2019
May unveils Brexit Plan B looks like Plan A

(21 Jan 2019) British Prime Minister Theresa May unveiled her Brexit Plan B on Monday, and it looks a lot like Plan A. (Jan. 21) Subscribe for more Breaki...

Associated Press 816 22.01.2019
May tendrá que presentar un plan B del Brexit

Se trata de un revés para la primera ministra británica que deberá preparar un plan de brexit diferente si el acuerdo de salida del Reino Unido de la Unión ...

euronews (en español) 1,150 09.01.2019
El Gobierno británico trabaja en un plan B para el Brexit

El Gobierno británico trabaja en un 'plan B' para el Brexit… MÁS INFORMACIÓN :

euronews (en español) 1,209 18.01.2019
Parliament debates Mays Brexit plan B - watch live

Theresa May is expected to chair the cabinet's regular weekly meeting  hours before the Brexit debate and vote in the Commons. At approximately 1pm, parliame...

Guardian News 179,267 30.01.2019
Theresa May alista un “plan B” para el Brexit Noticias con Francisco Zea

La primera ministra del Reino Unido, Theresa May, alista un “plan B” para el #Brexit y se abre escenario para un nuevo referendo. Visita nuestro sitio Web: ...

Imagen Noticias 267 17.01.2019
Gravitas What is Theresa Mays Brexit Plan B ?

The Prime Minister survived a no-confidence vote brought by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn on Wednesday before vowing to continue with Brexit negotiations. The...

WION 543 18.01.2019
El Gobierno británico trabaja en un plan B para el Brexit

El Gobierno británico trabaja en un 'plan B' para el Brexit… MÁS INFORMACIÓN :

euronews (en español) 754 17.01.2019
Brexit ¿Tiene Europa un plan B?

La pregunta de si el Brexit marcaba el principio del fin de la Unión no gustó al presidente de la Comisión Europea. "Europa, dijo Jean Claude Junker, no...

euronews (en español) 1,374 29.06.2016
Theresa Mays Brexit Plan B has anything changed?

Subscribe to France 24 now: FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7 Mark Garnett, senior lectur...

FRANCE 24 English 619 22.01.2019
El Parlamento británico vota un plan B para el Brexit

El Parlamento británico vota un plan B para el Brexit. Después de tomar el control de la crisis, la Cámara de los Comunes someterá a votación este miércoles ...

euronews (en español) 912 27.03.2019
Does the government have a plan B for Brexit? 5 News

► Subscribe to 5 News: ► So with only weeks to go until the March 29th deadline for leaving the EU, what's next for the UK? Plan B, ...

5 News 256 16.01.2019
El Parlamento británico vota un plan B para el Brexit

El Parlamento británico vota un plan B para el Brexit. Después de tomar el control de la crisis, la Cámara de los Comunes someterá a votación este miércoles ...

euronews (en español) 841 27.03.2019
Theresa Mays Brexit Plan B

A last ditch attempt to save herself from the No Confidence vote

HappyToast 13,118 16.01.2019
Brexit deadlock Theresa May unveils her Brexit Plan B

Subscribe to France 24 now: FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7 Visit our website: http://...

FRANCE 24 English 973 21.01.2019
No plan B says Juncker as Cameron holds crunch Brexit talks

European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker says a British exit from the EU is not an option, saying there is "no plan B" as Prime Minister David...

AFP News Agency 487 17.02.2016
May prepares to present Brexit Plan B Euronews Now

#EuronewsNow | "From every indication we've had, 'Plan B' is simply 'Plan A' rebooted". UK Prime Minister Theresa May is set to present her revis...

euronews 3,558 21.01.2019
PM Theresa May to present Brexit Plan B to parliament

Subscribe to France 24 now: FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7 British Prime Minister Ther...

FRANCE 24 English 1,520 21.01.2019
BREXIT What is Plan B?

What is Plan B For Brexit? Well this week Theresa May laid out her second plan for Brexit now that her deal has been rejected by parliament. Theresa May's p...

ChickenWire 2,092 23.01.2019
Brexit deadlock We hear plan B is actually plan A with a few tweaks

Subscribe to France 24 now: FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7 Visit our website: http://...

FRANCE 24 English 843 21.01.2019
Theresa May presents Brexit Plan B LIVE

BRUSSELS has been blamed for setting up Brexit to fail from the start today, as Theresa May got ready to beg them to fix the Northern Irish border. An EU in...

The Sun 51,976 22.01.2019

PLAN B - FIRST PAST THE POST (UK Election) Three and a half weeks ago I knew nothing about the First Past The Post voting system. Writing this song has been ...

planbuk 263,857 09.12.2019
Hunt We need flexibility and imagination for Brexit plan B

Theresa May has been scrambling to find a way through after her deal was humiliatingly crushed in the Commons last week. But in a conference call with Cabine...

Daily Mail 100 21.01.2019
Their Brexit Plan B

Don't let the Remainers steal our Brexit!

Chris Taylor 24 20.01.2019
Theresa May reveals Brexit Plan B

British Prime Minister Theresa May will be making a statement and putting forward a motion in Parliament on her proposed next steps on Brexit. To read more: ...

CBC News 11,029 21.01.2019
May puts Brexit Plan B strategy to parliament

Prime Minister Theresa May has unveiled to the British Parliament a plan to break the deadlock over her Brexit Deal with the European Union. This follows a d...

CGTN America 188 21.01.2019
Brexit le « Plan B » de la dernière chance #cadire 21.01.2019

La Première ministre britannique Theresa May présente aujourd'hui son « plan B » pour le Brexit aux députés qui ont massivement rejeté la semaine dernière l'...

C à dire 7,401 22.01.2019
May trata de ultimar a contrarreloj un plan B del brexit de consenso

Londres (Reino Unido), 18 ene (EFE/EPA).- (Imagen: Facundo Arrizabalaga) La primera ministra británica, Theresa May, trata de ultimar a contrarreloj un plan ...

AGENCIA EFE 103 19.01.2019
No hay plan B para el Brexit

Zapping del programa Fort Apache - Gibraltar y el Brexit Películas: The A-Team (2010),

Fort Apache 562 09.12.2018
Wie sieht Mays Plan B aus?

Die britische Premierministerin will auf die umstrittene Sonderregel im Brexit-Vertrag zur Grenze zwischen dem EU-Mitglied Irland und der britischen Provinz ...

faz 1,973 22.01.2019
Gina Miller says Theresa May has no Brexit plan B

Campaigner and businesswoman Gina Miller tells Sky News "no-deal is the legal endgame". SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more videos: http://w...

Sky News 18,120 02.12.2018
Corbyn Reacts to Mays Brexit Plan B

May's Brexit Plan B Explained: Earlier this week Theresa May presented her back up plan for Brexit to the House of Commons. We ...

TLDR News 86,040 23.01.2019
Theresa May to present Brexit plan B today

UK prime minister Theresa May today will present the Brexit plan B so the parliamentarians agree to it. Watch the video to know more. The World is One News,...

WION 156 21.01.2019
Brexit El Plan B de Theresa May. Pablo Gil. 22012019

Los CFD son instrumentos complejos y están asociados a un riesgo elevado de perder dinero rápidamente debido al apalancamiento. El 82 % de las cuentas de inv...

Método Trading 1,144 22.01.2019
Theresa May spells out Brexit Plan B

BRUSSELS has been blamed for setting up Brexit to fail from the start today, as Theresa May got ready to beg them to fix the Northern Irish border. An EU in...

The Sun 186,083 21.01.2019
So What Was Theresa Mays Brexit Plan B?

Theresa May had to address Parliament yesterday with her plan B for Brexit. Unsurprisingly, given her behaviour over the previous week, it was fairly predict...

A Different Bias 11,570 22.01.2019
Brexit Plan B Corbyn vs May

BRUSSELS has been blamed for setting up Brexit to fail from the start today, as Theresa May got ready to beg them to fix the Northern Irish border. An EU in...

The Sun 77,371 21.01.2019
Theresa May presenta su ‘plan B’ para destrabar negociación final del Brexit

La primera ministra británica, Theresa May, tiene una nueva oportunidad este lunes para presentar su plan B para lograr poner punto final a los acuerdos sobr...

NTN24 116 21.01.2019
Boris Johnsons Brexit Plan - Brexit Explained

I'm Quitting My Full-Time Job: Support TLDR on Patreon: Learn About Our Funding: https://tldrnew...

TLDR News 248,766 27.06.2019
Boris probes Mays Brexit Plan B

BRUSSELS has been blamed for setting up Brexit to fail from the start today, as Theresa May got ready to beg them to fix the Northern Irish border. An EU in...

The Sun 5,658 21.01.2019