Bill Self

Kansas Bill Self on the 2024-25 offseason so far

March Madness 4,005 2 months ago
Kansas wins second national title under Bill Self

March Madness 55,410 2 years ago
Bill Selfs Favorite Play

hoopvision68 34,685 4 years ago
Motion Offense Drill Featuring Kansas Bill Self

Championship Productions 69,388 6 years ago
Watch Bill Self Utilize the Shell Drill

Championship Productions 167,553 8 years ago
Bill Self - introduced as the Head Coach of Kansas

bob_weinstein_ 60,915 16 years ago
Bill Self knows what buttons to push come March

March Madness 17,013 6 years ago
Bill Self Final pep talk vs Memphis

coachlok 106,798 16 years ago
Why Bill Self Breaks So Many Clipboards

The College Sports Company 1,689 1 year ago
The Secondary Offense Bill Self Uses with Kansas Basketball

Championship Productions 9,498 4 years ago
Bill Self upset after 5 sec violation call

JayhawkNation 5,891 11 years ago