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Current Affair update November 2020
What has teeth but cannot bite?
1352618322369401297413 What comes next?
Current Affairs Quiz – January 2021
Old I never age Still I never rest alone I weep what am I?
What has no arms no legs and no limbs at all but can still carry things?
I am an object I have four children and sixteen grandchildren. What am I?
What has a head and a tail but nobody?
Almost Nobody Can Solve This Tricky Riddle
What can fly but doesnt have wings what can cry but doesnt have eyes?
Riddles you can only solve if youre really smart
6 Riddles you can only solve if youre really smart
Brainteasers and riddles only smart people can solve
6 Riddles you can only solve if youre really smart
Riddles you can only solve if youre really smart
Current Affair update 2020-21
I start small then get big. I twist and turn all around. What am I?
If I say that I will give you $100000 tomorrow when will you get it?
I am hard on top soft at the bottom. What am I?
What has hands but cannot clap?
Im like a dog with the tail that wags and all but am not a dog. What am I?
Fun Riddles for Adults to Challenge the Mind
Bob is 19 years old. Fred is 33. How old is May?
6 brainteasers and riddles only smart people can solve.
What is easy to lift but hard to throw?
I watch you sleep I haunt you by day. You stare at me and saw nothing but darkness. What am I?
I shrink smaller every time I take a bath. What am I?
What is in you and is said to be broken without being touched held or seen?
Current Affair update November 2020
See if you can solve these 6 Interesting Riddle.
Squeeze me and I cry tears as red as flesh but my heart is made of stone.What am I?
Math Riddle to Trick Your Brain
Which country has recently launched the world’s first 6G communication satellite?
Riddles that’ll stretch your brain
Why cant the world ever come to an end?
I am as small as a micron stealthy like a spy and I have always been caught. What Am I?
Current Affair update October 2020
If you can solve all of them then you’re a genius
What has to be taken before you can get it?
Can you save this boy?
Which side of the chicken has the most feathers?
How do you spell hard water with three letters?
Why does light travel faster than sound?
What is the color of water? Watch the full video to know the answer
6 intriguing riddles to trick your brain
6 most tricky questions that will test you IQ Tricky and Amazing Riddle Braintastic
How Much Is The Earth Worth?
Interesting GK Questions August 2020
What flowers are kissable?