Sound For Film

Movies made sound with a light bulb Sound-on-film

Technology Connections 1,631,250 1 year ago
Recording Cinematic Audio on a Budget

Standard Story Company 412,886 2 years ago
Recording Sound for Filmmaking

DSLRguide 258,160 8 years ago
Why The Batmans Sound is Different

Thomas Flight 1,153,122 2 years ago
See With Your Ears Spielberg And Sound Design

Nerdwriter1 979,915 6 years ago
Cinematic SOUND DESIGN Tutorial for FILMMAKING

Enam Alamin 973,828 1 year ago
Understanding Movies 101 -- Sound in Movies Some Basics

Learning about Movies 9,905 4 years ago
The Magic of Making Sound

Great Big Story 17,973,852 7 years ago
THE POWER OF MUSIC IN FILM - How music affects film

Jack Pierce 766,814 7 years ago