Saddam Husein

Saddam Hussein The Revolutionary Turned Butcher Evolution of Evil Timeline

Timeline - World History Documentaries 775,591 2 years ago
The Life Story of Saddam Hussein - How History Works

How History Works 461,730 1 year ago
Saddam Hussein The Butcher of Baghdad

Biographics 2,936,868 6 years ago
The story of Saddam Hussein’s psychopath son

Tifo Football 640,046 9 months ago
Delta Force Operator Recounts Hunting Saddam Hussein

Shawn Ryan Clips 625,931 3 days ago
Saddam Husseins Violent Emergence as Iraqs Leader

The Infographics Show 633,664 1 year ago
Saddam Hussein – Biografie eines Tyrannen I Terra X

Terra X History 538,774 9 months ago
The Luxury Lifestyle Of Saddam Hussein

Simple History 239,380 1 month ago
Iraq War 2003 Explained Why Bush and Blair attacked Saddam Hussein

Imperial War Museums 1,038,923 3 years ago
Saddam Hussein - Rule & Misrule in Iraq Documentary

The People Profiles 2,135,545 10 months ago
Saddam Husseins Very Public Purge

American Heroes Channel 3,138,769 8 years ago
Saddam Hussein Captured Iraq 2003

CNN 16,412,027 8 years ago
Bloodbath in Baghdad - Murder of Iraqi King & The Rise of Saddam Hussein

Mark Felton Productions 1,352,049 2 months ago

CNN 984,347 8 years ago