Mouse Animal

Street mouse is so sweet to woman who adopted her

GeoBeats Animals 45,722 19 hours ago
Man does sweetest thing for lonely street mouse

GeoBeats Animals 1,129,985 4 months ago
baby mouse yawn

graphitelove 8,492,370 12 years ago
Basic Mouse Restraint

Lab Animal Videos 19,705 4 years ago
How to pick up a pet mouse

Mice & Rat Enrichment 20,924 1 year ago
Mouse Videos for Cats to Watch Cat TV

Paul Dinning 21,699,606 7 years ago
Tail and scruff handling of mice

Lønholdt Kommunikation 283,785 11 years ago
Why Nobody Should EVER Use Glue Traps

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) 1,761,919 2 years ago
Hamster Escapes the Creative Maze for Pets in real life in Hamster Stories

The Secret Life of my Hamster 234,352,120 3 years ago
Huge Man Saves Tiny Baby Mouse

We Love Animals 43,922 4 months ago
Small Mouse Allows a Person to Pet It

ViralSnare Rights Management 5,716 9 hours ago
Tail handling and scruff handling of mice one hand only

Lønholdt Kommunikation 68,048 11 years ago